Fleet Feet Sports Huntsville. You really know how to pamper a lady! Candy station, spiked apple cider, vendors to chat with about product lines, free swag bag, and BUY ONE GET ONE FREE BRAS?!
If you're going to get a new bra, better get fitted properly! (Yes, this is an iPhone selfie... don't hate). |
If you missed out on Diva Night last night at Fleet Feet, you
really missed out.
I was planning to go to Diva Night for the funsies that come with it, but a friend of mine asked if I was bringing Lux (my trusty camera). I love shooting with ambient light or studio light. But Fleet Feet at night doesn't really offer the greatest lighting situation for event photography. I figured it would be a great opportunity for me to practice some with my hotshoe flash.
At AiP-OD, my instructors tell me time and time again that the only way for me to improve is to continue to shoot. I thought that was so cliché, but then I realized why clichés are worn out: they're true. Looking back at my work even two years ago, I have realized exactly how far I have come in my images. My compositions, my use of design elements, my encouragement toward my models to pose differently... they all add up to much better shots!
Thank you, to Fleet Feet, for allowing me to show up with Lux to explore and improve! Thank you, to the endurance sports community, for hamming it up in front of Lux! And thank you, to my friend, for unknowingly encouraging me to add more tools to my photog's toolbox! Here are a few of my favorite moments from last night:
The Zombie Family graced us all! |
Awesomeness is infectious! |
Getting pumped up for Diva Night is easy with this crowd! |
Unfortunately, this monster was disappointed in his date. Sorry Olivia. |
Those spiked ciders were delish! |
Watch out for this zombie. He'll getcha! |
Rule #1 in this community: watch out for photobombers. |
Are you an HTC member? Why not?! |
It really is a crying shame we have such shy children. We should really work harder to pull them out of their shells more often. |
Keeping the charity raffle in order takes a lot of work, and organizational skills, and beauty. Lots and lots of beauty! |
If you're going to crash the girl's only party, make sure you wear a creepy mask. |
Or several. Several creepy masks are definitely necessary. |
Thankfully, Jason likes candy corn. |
For a view on the rest of the images from the night, head on over to my
smugmug gallery. Right-click-download the images for free. If you like enough to print it, please buy it there. You'll be helping to keep this artist in business!